Sharks are an integral part of ocean ecosystems.
The SEA LIFE Trust is a registered marine conservation charity campaigning globally to protect sharks from the threat of finning and unsustainable fishing.
We want to put an end to the overexploitation of sharks and not only save these incredible creatures but help maintain balance in the ocean ecosystems on which we depend.
In 2016, SEA LIFE Trust will be working with SEA LIFE Aquariums around the world to identify important local habitats, and fund projects that focus on practical action to protect those areas. For more information, visit the SEA LIFE Trust website:
The SEA LIFE Trust is proud to sponsor No Limits? No Future! A new Shark Trust campaign calling for science-based catch limits for sharks in the Atlantic Ocean.
Sharks such as Blue Sharks, Shortfin Mako Sharks, Tope, Catsharks and Smoothhounds can be caught in unlimited numbers leaving them open to exploitation on a devastating scale.

Some shark populations have decreased by over 90% in the last 30 years due to overfishing.

70% of the Earth's oxygen is provided by our oceans. If we unbalance marine ecosystems by overfishing, we risk losing the oxygen we need to survive!

Each year, tens of millions of sharks are killed for their fins. The fins can sell for up to $300 per pound.
The time has come to address the way we harvest food from the oceans. We must make sure that we take only what we need in order to safeguard marine species and environments for the future.
Visit The SEA LIFE Trust Website